8 October 2023
Trip Leader: Andy Ednie
The weather maps were watched with great trepidation prior to the DOS field trip to Burrow’s Run near Yorklyn. Although the forecast predicted rain and high winds, the day had a brilliant partly cloudy sunrise and only light wind.

This field trip is a specialty for sparrows and they did not disappoint! One brushy area produced seven species of sparrow in view at once, including unobstructed views of the secretive Lincoln’s Sparrow, plus Swamp Sparrow, and immature White-crowned Sparrow.

by Sharon Dounce
Bald Eagles and accipiters were flying over all morning. Several observers got to see a Barred Owl sitting in the woods edge. There was a fair amount of bird activity along the creek, including both species of kinglets. We crossed Crawford’s Bridge over Burrow’s Run and headed up the hill to the pond were there were numerous late migrants. These included Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Blue-headed Vireo, Chestnut-sided and Black-throated Green Warbler.

We walked back to the creek valley and found a late Eastern Wood-Pewee and female Black-throated Blue Warbler. We ended the day with clear skies and 56 species including 8 species of sparrow and 7 species of warbler. The seasons are changing! Here is our eBird report.