Fair Hill Bobolinks & Blueberries with Ian Stewart
June 21 @ 8:00 am – 11:00 am EDT

Bobolink by Ian Stewart
See Bobolinks up close!
We will explore the rolling grasslands of Fair Hill NRMA just over the Maryland border in search of breeding Bobolinks and Meadowlarks, then head into the woods in search of other breeding birds. Fair Hill is an excellent place to see these declining grassland birds thanks to local conservation efforts. We will then drive 5 minutes to the nature center to look for warblers and other songbirds along Big Elk Creek. Participants are welcome to end the day at a nearby U-pick blueberry farm, which is a great place to watch Gray Catbirds!

NRMA Daily Pass in effect ($5 for non-residents) so bring cash. We will meet at Parking lot #3 at the intersection of Appleton Road and Black Bridge Rd (aka North Appleton Parking lot).
Contact Carolyn at [email protected] if you have any questions about this trip..